“If you can speak, you can influence. If you can influence, you can change lives.”
Who we are: We are all aware that communicating with confidence is critical to personal and professional success, but majority of our young generation today struggles to speak up and make themselves heard. Great ideas are going unaired and the top talent in these young leaders remains hidden thus: these young people who could have made great leaders get hindered from rising to the top.
Royal Public Speaking Institute is on a mission to help the young generation tap into their potential by harnessing the power of confident communication. We've developed a unique approach to training and we're excited to be helping these youngsters from all walks of life find their voice.
Our Approach: Our approach to communication skills training is different. Royal Public Speaking Institute was born through passion, frustration and curiosity. All ignited by a genuine desire to make a difference. That difference revolves around connecting; not simply presenting. Our main aim is to build confidence, ignite ideas and drive positive change amongst our young generation. Our approach to public speaking is that it is the most important skill that our youngsters most urgently need today.
The benefits: Increase your authority, presence & impact
Our aim is to help our young generation, speak in public with presence, radiate confidence, calmness and credibility. They should be able to influence and persuade any audience. Thus: connect with themselves as well as their audience each time they present.
I bring you all warm greetings from Royal public speaking institute, and I thank you for visiting our website.
“Speech is power: speech is to persuade, to convert, to compel.” Ralph Waldo Emerson
It is with similar pertinence that Royal Public Speaking Institute devotedly and professionally has chosen to nurture the young generation into virtuous and competent confident public speaking persons who will provide transformative leadership to our Country and to the world as a whole.
We also acknowledge the ever-increasing need to provide our young generation with practical public speaking opportunities through well-organized workshops that will enable them build enough confidence within themselves thus: help them thrive in today’s fast-changing and increasingly unpredictable world order.
For that reason, we do employ a holistic model in training and instructing our valued learners, with continuous workshops that emphasizes the development of each individual learner’s unique public speaking talents and abilities.
We believe that each learner is uniquely and diversely gifted, and it is our foremost duty to help each individual learner to identify and develop their God-given speech talents, for the betterment of our society.
Vision: To be the leading public speaking institution in the whole world. “If you can speak, you can influence, if you can influence, you can change lives”
Mission: To build a young confident generation of public speakers with potential to communicate persuasively and effectively.