“If you can speak, you can influence. If you can influence, you can change lives.”
Who we are: We are all aware that communicating with confidence is critical to personal and professional success, but majority of our young generation today struggles to speak up and make themselves heard. Great ideas are going unaired and the top talent in these young leaders remains hidden thus: these young people who could have made great leaders get hindered from rising to the top.
Royal Public Speaking Institute is on a mission to help the young generation tap into their potential by harnessing the power of confident communication. We've developed a unique approach to training and we're excited to be helping these youngsters from all walks of life find their voice.
Our Approach: Our approach to communication skills training is different. Royal Public Speaking Institute was born through passion, frustration and curiosity. All ignited by a genuine desire to make a difference. That difference revolves around connecting; not simply presenting. Our main aim is to build confidence, ignite ideas and drive positive change amongst our young generation. Our approach to public speaking is that it is the most important skill that our youngsters most urgently need today.
You're more likely to feel comfortable presenting to an audience if you know who they are. That way, you can craft your message in a tone that resonates with them, perhaps using humor to ease the tension. Start by assessing your audience's level of understanding of the topic you plan to discuss. This will determine the amount of background to give and whether you should aim to be more professional or casual.
Read MoreEven the most seasoned public speaker needs practice to be effective. Give a mock presentation of your speech in advance, so you can determine if you’ve organized the information cohesively and clearly. It may help to talk out loud to an imaginary audience or in front of a mirror, but it’s even more effective to practice with the help of a supportive co-worker, friend, or family member as an audience.
Read MoreWhether you’re practicing or giving a presentation, ask for feedback. This constructive criticism could include specific examples that you can use to improve for future presentations. If your friends point out that you say "umm" or "you know" too much, make sure that you're not taking the feedback personally. Integrate their comments into future presentations and thank your friend or team for giving you invaluable feedback.
Read MoreConnecting with an audience can be easier when you add your own personality or flair. Let your personality shine through as you convey your message, whether you are a naturally funny or empathetic person. Be authentic and appropriate—use humor when it can enhance your work, rather than detract from it.
Read MorePersonal stories or anecdotes can enhance your presentation. When TED Talk Speakers take the stage, they often begin with a short anecdote about their childhood or personal experience. This structure helps them connect with the audience, share their passion for what they're about to discuss or explain their expertise.
Read MoreBefore the presentation, know where you'll be speaking. Check that your PowerPoint presentation works with the provided equipment. Make sure you know how the room will be set up. Ask about time constraints, whether people will be eating during your talk, and what kind of microphone you’ll be using.
Vision: To be the leading public speaking institution in the whole world. “If you can speak, you can influence, if you can influence, you can change lives”
Mission: To build a young confident generation of public speakers with potential to communicate persuasively and effectively.